Explanation and solved answers;
hello Folks!!! it’s a samxia99
I’m writing this write-up for explanation and solved levels. it’s both for me and beginner people. I want to share with you how I solved it. I hope that it will be useful for you. In this write-up I make levels 1 to 6 so you don’t need to search each time, also I don’t want to put all bunch in one so I make two parts first and the second will be levels 7 to 11.
- Basic 1
Level 1(the idiot test)
At this level, we need to find the password by using an HTML page source (That is accessed by Right Click).
you can find the password in the page source by scrolling a little. if you don’t know about html learn from the link below.
- Basic 2
Level 2
At this level, Network Security Sam set up a password protection script, However, he neglected to upload the password file… which meant there was no password we just needed to enter, and Boom we logged in.
- Basic 3
Level 3
At this level, Network Security Sam remembered to upload the password file, but there were deeper issues. We needed to search the HTML in-depth, and I found a password.php file in the value.
after searching password.php we got the password.
- basic 4
Level 4
At this level, Sam often forgets the password. So he wrote a script that would email his password to him automatically in case he forgot. then let’s find the email on the source page. But we cannot edit email in the source code so try to inspect the element (by right-clicking).
after I changed sam@hackthissite.org to my email and sent an email.
I got this notification and an email password.
- Basic 5
Level 5
At this level, Sam has gotten wise to all the people who wrote their forms to get the password. Rather than learn the password, he decided to make his email program a little more secure. let’s use the previous trick by changing the email in the element inspect tool.
After changing the email send the email and you get this notification.
check your email you have a password on your email like the previous time.
- Basic 6
Level 6
At this level, the password is encrypted using a specific algorithm, which may make it a bit tricky. Let’s try encrypting the password with 11111, and see what we get.
After discovering that this algorithm uses ASCII code for encryption, let’s attempt reverse engineering. The sam encrypted password is ‘dff8j6i;'
Decrypting ASCII code using the ASCII algorithm might be tricky to understand, but I will show you an easy way. Start by writing the code in Notepad or any text editor.
step 1: write the code and give the number below
step 2: pick below number 0 and find d so subtract d from 0 answer is d
step 3: let’s pick 4 below no. and find j after finding j count 4 upper letters like i,h,g, and f so 4th is f and is f.
let’s do this one more time if you find it hard to understand pick 7 no. that corresponds to; find; this and count the upper 7 letters like 9,8,7,6,5,4 the 4 is 7 upper no. so ans is 7.
Ans:-ded5f1c4 (Not for everyone each person has a different encryption code)
It is easy to understand. Just select the number corresponding to the letter and count the number above the letter for the uppercase value.
Hope this will be useful to everybody I try to make a better write-up and easy to understand.
PS: I will write the next part as soon as possible.